Welcome to your

Intuitive Tattoo Consultation

Your Invitation

Intuitive tattooing is a unique and intentional process. Symbolism and the mysteries deeply inspire this process. We like to think of it similar to a recipe or a spell. By adding ingredients such as plant and animal medicine imagery with tarot, rune and natal chart readings, we are able to create a piece of art rich in the potential for manifestation and personal growth. We like to describe this process as Art Alchemy.

I have illuminated four different aspects to the intuitively tattooing container. This is a continually evolving practice informed by my experiences and the clients I tattoo. I would like to express that I am open to exploring other intentions as this is an ever growing and changing practice.


Calling something in; spiritually, mentally, or physically. Planting thought seeds for the future.


Personal Evolution, Letting go or Shedding, Protection


Honouring past self, past lives or loved ones